Introducing our adorable Dried Lavender Bouquet, a delightful creation designed to steal hearts with its charm., With a soothing fragrance, this petite bouquet is perfect for adding a sprinkle of cuteness and a touch of magic to any occasion. Whether adorning your living space, brightening up your work desk, or surprising a loved one with a cute gift, this irresistible bundle of joy brings smiles and warm fuzzy feelings wherever it goes.
Your delivery rate will be determined at checkout according to your postal code. For same-day orders please place an order before 2 pm. Same Day delivery time window is between 6pm - 10pm (limited areas only).
Our daily delivery route is arranged according to the region and the best route, so the delivery time cannot be specified. If you require the flower in the morning, we recommend you choose delivery one day in advance.
The arrangement shown is an example of the size and color available. Your arrangement may vary based on the availability of raw materials.